Interview Tips! 6 simple tips to improve interview performance - Catch Resource Management

Interview Tips! 6 simple tips to improve interview performance

Interviewing, is like anything in life, if you take time to prepare properly and invest some time up front, then you will increase the chances of a successful outcome.

1. Research the company

Finding out basic information on the company you’re meeting with can be as easy and simple as visiting their website, but it’s something many people neglect to do, which immediately gives a bad impression. Take some time to research the organisation’s history, leadership, products/ services and main competitors. Aside from being good interview prep this can also help you decide if you really want to work for that company!

2. Plan the journey – check for any delays/ weather issues etc.

The quickest way to make a negative impression in an interview is to arrive late! So make sure that you plan the journey, check on any potential travel issues, including the weather, and aim to arrive well before your interview slot.

3. Have a thorough understanding of the role

Whilst the interview itself will be the best chance for you to learn the ins and outs of the role, having a good grasp of the requirements and aims of the position beforehand will ensure that you’re best prepared to answer questions about your suitability. Read through the spec and try to anticipate questions that the interviewer will ask and prepare responses based on your background skills and qualifications, using tangible examples. A good recruiter will have an understanding of the most important aspects of the role and should prep you on these beforehand.

4. Plan some questions

“How many days holiday do I get?” and “Is the parking free?” are two examples of questions to avoid! The chance to ask questions at the end of an interview is an invaluable one as it gives you the opportunity to truly decide if the company is right for you. So, when researching the company before the interview, take the time to plan some questions that can help give you further insight into the business. Asking considered, meaningful questions also shows the interviewer that you’re interested in the organisation, the position on offer and that you have good initiative.

5. Ask for feedback immediately after the interview

Once the interview has concluded take the chance to ask the interviewer how they thought it went, whether there was anything you could improve on, and whether they think you’re a good fit for the role. If there are any particular areas for improvement that they mention then this is an immediate opportunity for you to highlight how you could still be suitable for the role, or how you could work on those points. Feedback from the interviewer can also be very useful for you to consider when attending future interviews at other organisations.

6. Bonus Tip – Work with a Specialist Recruiter

Working with a specialist recruiter who has a strong relationship with their client can be invaluable, and really help you stand out from other candidates, as they will have a true understanding of their client’s business and will be able to provide insight that perhaps isn’t present on the job spec. Ask the recruiter you’re working with to outline any likely interview questions, any areas where you could improve, and what the interviewer is like.


If you are looking for a new role, please reach out to our team of specialist consultants, who are ready to help!


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